
09202011 Justin's Davidson Cup(戴維斯獎杯)

The 2011 Davidson Cup

Davidson Cup (戴維斯獎杯) 是每年William F. Davidson Elementary School 戴維斯小學頒給應屆畢業生的殊榮, 2011年度共有108位七年級畢業生,很開心Justin和另一位女同學,獲得這個獎杯,兩個人的名字可以刻在獎杯底座的銅牌上,每個人可以把獎杯抱回家一個月,開學後再還學校,永久保存! 以下是Justin 的導師 Ms. Wheeler介紹他得獎的引言....... This award is presented to recognize a student who excels in the areas of Citizenship, Service, Academics, Leadership and Athletics. Someone who is considered to be our Top All Around Student In Grade 7. Our candidate for the cup this year is a very deserving one.

He excelled in all aspects of leadership and service. He was responsible for so many monitoring activities throughout the school. He gave up many hours of time weekly to set up volleyball nets, clean the equipment room, set up for assemblies, and even clean teachers fish tanks. He also translated for younger students in the school. I counted on him to help me whenever I needed something done efficiently, and accurately. And, whenever I turned to him, he never complained.

His citizenship towards others always remained at the highest level. One of the things I admired most about him is the way that he treated other people. He could always be counted on to do the right thing. And he had to make sure everyone else was doing the right thing too. I could often hear him encouraging his classmates to be more respectful. His friends always listened because of the amount of respect they had for him. His sense of humour and calm demeanor were a positive influence on those around him.

In addition to his incredible citizenship, leadership and service, he was also an excellent athlete. He participated on all of the school sports teams this year, and earned medal in volleyball lfor Most Skilled. He was a talented member of the basketball and ultimate teams, as well as the track and field team. One short story I will share with you. The day before the big track meet, I pulled a few students aside, and asked them if they would be interested in trying high jump, as we didn’t have a team. So, what did we have to lose, we’ll just take a few kids, show them how to do it, and hope for the best. Well, after trying it for the first time in his life, and having only practiced a total of 30 minutes, he went on to win first place at the District Track Meet, and came just short of setting a new record for his age group.

Finally, in addition to all of these accomplishments, he was still able to push himself to excel academically. He was the first person to share his ideas in class, and always put 100% effort into all of his assignments earning upwards of 90% in his academic subjects as well as making the Honour Roll. As if this wasn’t enough, he also attended an elite private academy for Ninja’s outside of school. Any one of these achievements would be something impressive, but to have all of these qualities is something truly inspiring.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank him for all he has done for me this year, for making the school a better place, and for leading by example. I know the future is bright for such an amazing student. I would like to call forward the Davidson Cup winner for 2011, Justin Hwang.

戴勝益:建立一個仿冒 的人生

~ 文章轉載 勝益:建立一個仿冒 的人生 面對未來,你是否經常覺得很茫然,總覺得抓不到自己的性向和專長?如果你有這樣的困惑,建議你建立一個「仿冒」的人生:抓一個你可以仿冒的對象,去學習他的成長軌跡,從中找出你的方向。 這樣的體會來自我的成長背景。我出生在家族企業,從小我的model就是我的父親和大哥,一直以為自己就是要成為像他們那樣的生意人,後來上了大學,我才找到我真正的仿冒目標:奇美集團創辦人許文龍先生。 我從大學就關注他的新聞,因為他獨特的管理風格與處世態度一直很令我佩服。他一星期只進公司兩個早上,其他時間拿來拉小提琴、釣魚,但依然成就了如此成功的企業。 早在十幾年前,奇美員工的平均月薪資就高達新台幣八萬元,是一個幾乎零異動的公司。許文龍還跟員工說:「你們工作不是為了公司成長,是為了你們未來的幸福人生。」 看到這麼令人感動的一句話,我就立志自己也要跟他一樣。如今我做的每件事,都是跟著他的腳步,例如一個月有十五天絕對不上班、登百岳、到處旅行。另外,我也學許文龍,把財產捐了出去,一言一行都是受他啟發。最近許文龍還把博物館建物捐出去,讓社會大眾共享博物館資源,很令人尊敬。 半年前,許文龍請我去他家作客,更讓我體會到身教重於言教的道理。那天傍晚五點多,我去拜訪他,他仍住在一個四十幾年的老房子裡,一點也不華麗,沒有固定的傭人、保鏢,只有一個司機,還請了鄰居太太來幫忙料理他早上釣的魚、煮了一些菜、買了一些碗粿,請我和妻子吃晚餐。 過程中,他興致一來,就把旁邊的小提琴拿出來拉,他的司機還跑去彈鋼琴伴奏。看到這幅畫面,我們嚇了一跳,也很感動。我問他:「沒有保鏢,安全嗎?」他直覺說:「我又沒有做壞事,錢捐給政府,孩子也沒進公司,沒傷害到公司同仁權益,我有什麼好害怕和擔心的?」這句話立刻反應出他的非凡價值觀,同時也更讓我認定:我以他為師,一點也沒錯。 所以,我認為年輕人要抓一個仿冒的對象。想從事藝術,比如可以抓林懷民;想從事公益,比如抓嚴長壽;想從事科技,比如抓林百里。每個人都抓一個對象,把他的人生歷程和價值觀都搜集起來,然後去學習、去仿冒,以後縱使你的事業和成就沒有像他們那麼大,但至少你比較不會搖擺。 這樣仿冒的好處是,你不會像海底撈針一樣亂摸索。有了model,就像在海底抱著一個浮板,它會有動力拉著你往前走,可以減少你摸索錯誤的時間。況且,這些人到現在都還蠻成功的,或許可以讓你大方向沒錯。 但也要提醒年輕人,要學習這些成功人士的努力、扎實、做事方法及對人好的態度,而不是學成功人士的表徵,例如趕快買一部高級房車、找個司機、打高爾夫球、穿高級西裝。這些是成功人士的結果,不是他們成功的原因。如果你只學習結果,卻不學習原因,學習也是徒勞無功。



今早和Amy、Ruby去輕安老人院,幸運的我們又遇到星期二當義工的Julia推著她5個月大的小菲立浦(Philip)嬰兒義工,穿梭在老人院中........這裡共有兩層樓,住著不同的居民。有些可能年紀大了,行動不便;有些還是中年,但可能受了甚麼傷害坐輪椅或是其他方面的原因;......每個居民的背後有著不同的故事...... 後來到了2樓,又巧遇Philip和Allen在對話。Allen 是一位103歲,有點重聽的老先生,Julia 托著小菲立浦讓這位阿公抱......這是一幅很特別的畫面 - 相距102歲又7個月的光陰.......他們簡短的寒暄,有了交集……雖然Allen今天有點不舒服,精神不太好;但是小Philip安撫了爺爺的心....... 結束時,我們三度巧遇這對母子在志工辦公室簽退,小Philip已在推車中睡著了了........然後Amy就說......這位小孩以後的生活一定很精彩,這麼小就隨媽媽出來當義工......Julia的家就住在老人院的對街,當初她也只是希望孩子多和別人互動,不要怕生,先生也支持她和孩子一起當志工。 到老人院當志工也三年多了,我常說來這裡是「遇見未來」,或許這裡的場景有可能是未來晚年的景象之一,看到每個房間入口有一個「記憶箱」(Memory Box)裡面放著代表這位居民的特色或是對他很重要的東西。這裡有幾位長者已超過百歲,看到房間牆上有女皇、總督或是市長頒的信函恭喜他們生日快樂! 有些人還是很有氣質和修養,會和我們互打招呼,來自希臘的笛米恰老太太喜歡用棒針打一些編織品。每次我們都「雞同鴨講」,她不會英語,我們也不會希臘話,但一番比手劃腳後,再加上想像力,可以看到她很開心!有些長者問他要喝什麼飲料(water, ice tea or lemonade?) 也沒反應;有一位先生易嗆到,飲料要向櫃臺拿一種加入會變稠的粉末攪拌,喝了才不易嗆到……還有一位說德文的老太太,我就用生銹的德文和她說幾句,順便復習一下……她也會露出微笑! 有少數才邁入中年,卻坐輪椅;也常看到有些人來來去去,這就是人生。每個人都有著一些曾經輝煌的過去和不為人知的悲傷,這就是屬於每個人的人生。 記得看過一則email,「態度決定高度」,在這樣的氛圍下長大了孩子,應該會是個很棒的世界公民,有宏觀的父母;就會有大器的小孩……,看看別人,想想自己,一起邀家人進入志工的行列,不全是因為「有空」才去當志工,若你的信念覺得這是一件利人利己的好事,就會把時間空出來,這個世界也會因為你、我的小小善舉,而更加美好……